Aii Language Centers (Aii) are North American Standard based centers specializing in languages. Aii offers series of English, Chinese and Thai language training programs and TOEFL preparation course to meet variety of needs of learners of all ages.
Aii Language Center was established.
QLH Tower was established for AIS.
CSL Program was established.
QLH Tower was re-established for Aii Language Center.
Aii signed MOU with AYC International Programs Thailand to open TESOL House.
TESOL House was established.
Aii Language Center acquired license from Ministry of Eudcation, Youth and Sports to operate.
Newly renovated Villa 4 was introduced.
Aii Language Center signed MOU with International Cultural Exchange Services (ICES) to promote overseas education in Cambodia.
TSL Program was established.
MJQE Tower was established.
Mengly J. Quach Education becomes an ouscial member of the: • American Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia (AmCham) • European Chamber of Commerce (EuroCham) • British Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia (BritCham)