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Author: Aii

Kid 07C Speaking Test

Kid 07C Speaking Test

Speaking test is one of the class assessments to measure students’ ability to communicate their thoughts and get their message across to the listeners. By doing the test, students will be able to get to know what their strengths and areas for improvement are, so they can work on it and become a better speaker […]

Exam Skill Workshop

Exam Skill Workshop

Apparently, students seem to feel challenged and struggle during the test regardless of studying hard in class. As observed, they are not well-equipped with the exam skills, meaning the students are not fully aware of how to prepare themselves for the exam. This workshop is conducted to guide the students on the important tips and […]

Kid 12 Exit Interview

Kid 12 Exit Interview

The Kid 12 Exit Interview is an integral part of our school’s curriculum. To ensure that our kid 12 graduates embark on the journey to the adult program with confidence and readiness, we use this platform to monitor and track progress, increase productivity and get feedback for our students. Basically, this interview covers a range […]

Parent-Teacher Association Meeting

Parent-Teacher Association Meeting

The Parent-Teacher Association Meeting which is commonly also known as PTA, is a platform organized once per semester. Driven by the motive to improve students’ learning performance both in academic and non-academic settings and the popular notion of which learning is a lifelong process; therefore, it can be achieved regardless of all odds. PTA has […]